Press Release
In keeping with the long tradition of more than 25 years Town Hall and Dr. I. D. Rastogi Academy celebrated this year founder’s day with much fanfare and festivities across all our campuses to commemorate the success and philanthropic contributions of our Founder Chairperson Dr. I. D. Rastogi.
The celebrations of Founder’s day this year were unique in a way that it marked a distinct return to normal for students after a long Covid 19 induced break, students participated in an offline event with much excitement and enthusiasm after a long time.
Students across all the campuses organized a variety of eye catching cultural events to showcase the talents outside the classroom.
Dr. I.D. Rastogi in her speeches across campuses congratulated the students and staff on putting up impressive shows. She also encouraged students to face this once in a century challenge with courage and not to let the adverse circumstances derail their learning journey.
She also extended full support to all students for their mental and physical well being and advised the students to reach out to their teachers & mentors who are best placed to understand their difficulties and provide them with necessary guidance and counseling to navigate these difficult times.
She also reaffirmed her commitment to continue providing best of online and offline education to support holistic development of all the students
She as guest of honour boosted the morale of the winners of various competitions organised on occassion of Gan.
dhi Jayanti and awarded special certificate of merit to all the winners